Our Vision
Al Mada believes in the dignity and worth of every individual and the communities we serve. Our vision is a Palestine where music and the arts are at the heart of a culturally vibrant and healthy community life. We work on the basis that everyone contributes towards making social changes and that the power of art can be used to achieve truly sustainable development if individuals are enabled to contribute to the shaping of their societies. Communication, integrity, innovation, respect and diversity are the core values, which inform every aspect of our work.
Our Mission
Specializing in music, art and music therapy, Al Mada Association for Arts based development affirms the importance of the arts in promoting individual and collective wellbeing. Bringing musical and art therapies to advance self expression, inclusion, therapy, social justice and advocacy is at the core of its inception and the focus which drives the organization to work with Palestine’s most vulnerable communities. Al Mada’s art therapists do direct interventions with a number of vulnerable groups; train teachers, community and health workers, so all programs are sustainable and work with care givers who receive no counseling themselves. Through partnerships with the Palestinian Authority institutions, international, local and civil society organizations, Al Mada is able to pool resources and extend program reach in areas including gender, education, culture, poverty reduction and mental health.